Submission Guidelines
Prior to paper submission authors should register on official conference site. The submission is done in the Profile of the Author on official conference site .
Authors are invited to submit a paper in English addressing one of the conference topics.
Notice: single person can be co-author of no more than 3 papers.
Prior to the review process the papers will be checked on the following subjects: accordance to the template, plagiarism and excessive self-citations.
IEEE requires that all papers submitted to the IEEE Xplore digital library meet the IEEE style guidelines. For that be sure to follow the IEEE paper template. The full paper must not exceed FOUR pages in length. The paper should be composed using the A4 paper size. LaTeX users: be sure to use the template's conference mode.
Papers must be downloaded exclusively in pdf format. Papers uploaded in other formats (Word) will not be accepted to the review process.
Template for the Microsoft Word has the following line on the first page:
Please make sure that this line is deleted before submission. This line corresponds to the IEEE copyright notice. The appropriate IEEE copyright notice will be placed by the editor
Abstract of the paper should give a reader enough insight of the paper content. Because of that abstract should contain 150-250 words.
Papers that do not meet guidelines and template will not be accepted to the review process.
The most common template violations include: wrong template (f.e. Journal template instead of Conference one), single column (instead of two columns), Information about authors (wrong order of “Name Surname”, multiple authors are grouped by affiliation), poor quality of figures (less than 300 dpi), remnants of the Russian text in template (including writings on the figures), wrong citation style (GOST instead of IEEE standard), not all citations are mentioned in text, etc.
Make sure that your paper is formatted properly. Otherwise the paper will not be accepted to the review process.
Submitted papers must be new and original. According to the IEEE Rules of Publication Services and Products Board, the critical plagiarism level (including self-plagiarism) for automatic verification by CrossCheck Portal is 20%, and it cannot be higher. Make sure that your paper is substantially different from (your) previously published work. Manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism and multiple publication using IEEE CrossCheck Portal. A detailed description of the plagiarism levels can be found via this link.
Papers that has plagiarism level higher than 20% will not be accepted to the review process.
Excessive self-citations
It is strongly recommended that references to own authors works constitute no more than 20% of the entire list of references (and no more than 3 references). If there is a need to exceed the specified threshold, then links to relevant authors works must be added in the form of footnote links (and not be included in the list of references).
Reviewing Process
All reviews are based on submissions of papers following a single-blind process. All papers are reviewed by at least two reviewers, and rated considering their:
- Relevance and Timeliness,
- Technical Content and Scientific Rigor,
- Novelty and Originality,
- Quality of Presentation.
The reviewers are also asked to comment on Strong and Weal aspects of the paper. Finally, the reviewers can provide some free text observations regarding Recommended changes. Conflicting reviews may require assignment of a new reviewer. In the end the program chairs decide the status of the paper: Declined, Accepted or Accepted after Revision.
Papers with status Accepted after Revision must be revised taking carefully into account comments from the reviewers. If authors ignore major remarks of the reviewers their paper will not be accepted.
For papers with status Accepted it is recommended to make minor corrections taking carefully into account comments from the reviewers.
Camera Ready Final Version
The final version of Accepted papers should be submitted to the pdf-express before the final submission deadline to validate paper for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.
To determine whether the papers are compatible with IEEE Xplore (and how to fix the files if they are not) please follow this link: USBEREIT@PDFeXpress. Conference ID: 61901X. When you are happy with the PDF file, click on the «Approve» button.
Papers that are not submitted to the pdf-express and are not Approved will not be included in the proceedings.
Paper Presentation
All accepted papers must be presented by one of the co-authors at the Conference Venue. Presentations by third persons should be strongly avoided. Text of the presentation and/or poster* must be done in English. The presentation itself must be understandable for every listener.
Conference mode: face-to-face only; remote participation not allowed!
Please note, the papers that will not be presented at the Conference will be excluded from the USBEREIT proceedings (in accordance with the policy of IEEE Xplore "No-Shows").
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
After the Conference authors of presented papers will be invited to complete and digitally sign the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) and to pay the conference fee.
Authors who performed their work in organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation, please, in accordance with federal law N 183-ФЗ "On export control", should upload a scan of the export control examination certificate (based on the established model of your organization). The examination certificate must be certified by the seal of the organization where the work was performed.
eCF is a procedure for authors to complete their publishing agreement with IEEE. Corresponding author will receive in a few days after a conference an email with a user ID and password, and more detailed information on accessing IEEE Electronic Copyright. The email will be sent to address which was mentioned during the registration. Make sure that you use an active email address. Please contact organizing committee if you need help with this procedure.
Please be aware that once you submit your IEEE Electronic Copyright form, you will not be able to go back and make changes. IEEE does not have any mechanism to redo an electronic copyright form and you will not be able to complete more than one form per paper. As such, please be sure that the title, author list, etc. are correct and final on the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form prior to completing and submitting the copyright form.
Papers without completed copyright forms will not appear on the conference proceedings and will not be enrolled in IEEE Xplore.